Event box

Royal Storytime with Princess Pals (Davis)

Royal Storytime with Princess Pals (Davis) In-Person

The enchanted kingdom is opening its doors to welcome all boys and girls to a Royal Storytime with special guests Princess Pals. Princes, princesses, knights and dragons, come in costume - or not - and listen to magical stories, sing enchanting songs, and make a special crown.



Saturday, February 8, 2025
11:00 AM
Mary L Stephens Davis Branch Library
*Children's Activity Room, Children's Area
  0 to 5     Children (6-9)  
Program Type:

No reservation required. Sponsored by the Friends of the Davis Public Library. You may request reasonable accommodations 5 days in advance by calling (530) 666-8005. Connect with us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/yolocountylibrary.org.

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